The Bible says that homosexuality is not “wrong” or “unclean” for everyone!
The apostle Paul states in Romans 14: 14 that no act is “unclean” in and of itself, but an act is only “unclean” to a person who thinks a particular act is “unclean.” So, a homosexual act would be “wrong” or “unclean” for me as I am a heterosexual male and do not desire males in that way. On the contrary, a heterosexual act would be “wrong” or “unclean” for a homosexual male that does not desire women.
Jesus states in Luke 12: 57, “Why don’t you judge for yourselves what is right?”
Jesus clearly states that you should judge for yourself what is right or wrong. However, this does not mean to judge other people on what is right or wrong for them. It simply means you should judge what is right or wrong for yourself. So, being homosexual may be right for one person and wrong for another person as it all depends on how each individual person feels about being homosexual, and not about how other people feel about being homosexual.
Jesus states in Mark 7: 15 that “Nothing outside a man can make him unclean by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man (or how a man treats other people) that makes him unclean.”
You should only judge another person on how they treat other people!
Verse 13 clearly states for you, as a person, to not condemn other people for their sexual preference, but to only condemn people who act with the intent to only hurt or offend other people.
In Romans 14: 13, the apostle Paul states:
13Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.
Verse 19 states to strive and live peaceably with one another and to help one another! Judging people because of a different sexual preference, race, weight, because they are a believer of a different faith, or ANY REASON other than how they treat others is WRONG and SINFUL as it creates division among us, as people in general, and spreads negativity in our world which is the opposite of striving to live PEACEFUL with one another as Verse 19 states!
Verse 20 states ALL things are PURE! As previously stated in Verse 13, the ONLY basis we should judge or condemn other people is if a person is acting with the intent to only hurt, harm, or offend someone else! If everyone understood and lived by this concept, then there literally would be peace on earth!
Verse 20 states ALL things are PURE! As previously stated in Verse 13, the ONLY basis we should judge or condemn other people is if a person is acting with the intent to only hurt, harm, or offend someone else! If everyone understood and lived by this concept, then there literally would be peace on earth!
In Romans 14: (19-20), the apostle Paul states:
19Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another
20All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence
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Copyright © 2011 Shay Dawkins. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this blog or the comments on this blog may be reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the express written permission of the publisher and author unless for the specific use of writing a review or article pertaining to The Good News: How Revealing Delusions In Christianity Will Bring Peace To All.